Monday, 24 September 2018

Don't let our generation go extinct.

Story by Laleh Chini.
  There lived a fox with his mate near a village. The fox became the father of several cubs and as soon as they grew up he took them to the village to teach them how to obtain food. The father fox showed his cubs all the fruit gardens of the village. Everyday, he stole from a different garden so his cubs would learn how not to get caught. Days passed and the cubs were learning perfectly. One of the cubs got curious and asked: “We stole from all the gardens of the village except the garden with the blue door. We passed it carefully not to be seen. You didn’t look at that door and looked down until you passed even the garden wall. Why is that? Should we be afraid of this garden? Did anything happen at this garden?” The father fox said: “This fruit garden belongs to the religious leader of the village. At the end of each week, people gather in a special place to listen to his advice and they believe every thing he says and follow blindly. If he sees us stealing from his garden, as a form of revenge he will announce to the villagers that who ever hunts fox and eats its meat will go to heaven and will get a private garden there as a special reward. So trust me, you should avoid this garden even if you are starving or he will cause the extinction of fox generations.”    

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