Thursday 25 October 2018

Petty things: poem by Mark Tulin.

To the shallow people

who taught me that losses 
were so valuable:

You deceived me
into believing that I needed
to keep these things
to be happy.

You convinced me
that I’d be lonely
or less of a person
if they were gone.

They were not as important
as it seemed. 
I know this now
as I grow older.

They were just things
I became dependent on,
petty things 
that my ego loved
but had no lasting value.


He changed my life.

Soldier come, soldier go, that’s how the story of life goes. People come into your life and people leave. When people leave one’s life they leave something behind which could be experience, habits,knowledge and memories. Isn’t it funny how people say now on can ride,trample or step on them and go free? The truth is people step on us leaving their footprints which could either be good or bad. His footprint he left on me can never be forgotten or washed away,  he left me as a mother.

I  lost my dad when I clocked sixteen and after his passing my mum fell very sick. In order for my family to turn a new page my big brother came to rescue me, bringing me from the village to Lagos. I can still remember the joy I felt while I was in the bus heading to Lagos but my joy was cut short  when I  discovered  that I would be living with the family that took my brother took Lagos to serve them. I was very surprised when I learnt that they had taken my brother has their own son, sent him to school and gave him an aspect in the family business to handle,  he manages of one of their guest houses since they were into hotels and bar business.

I was sent to the same school as their first daughter who was my age mate though she was a class ahead of me. A weakling who was always falling sick, in and out of medication though she was very brilliant having her results displayed in the house. Her mum would always compare our results forgetting I was coming from the village and had a lot to learn. I would admit getting jealous of her at times. She simply was amazing, boys would always stop us just to speak with her which she had an habit of insulting those who made attempts.

The family soon started to face difficulties  a year after my arrival. My guardians were ready to get a divorce and no longer lived with each other. Rita had to leave the house with her dad , her mum, kid sister and I left were left in the house. I had no one to talk to, share my pain and joy with. Rita was through with school so I could not see my dear friend who had become a sister to me anymore. Then he came to me in my lone and fragile state. He painted paradise to me and swore never to leave me.

Mr Jude became the shoulders I cried on whenever Rita’s mum passed out her anger and frustration on me. He became the ears that listened to all my tales without getting tired, bored or deaf. I was already in a relationship with a senior in school and as soon as he graduated I gave Mr Jude my answer to his long made request. Despite our age differences I agreed to date him, despite the fact that he was Rita’s teacher I fell in love with him. I always lied to myself that I was using him to get my assignments done and he was helping me grow academically even when I knew he was a big distraction.

We started going out and he never failed to buy me all I asked for until he got fired and resulted to selling okirika shoes and bags to make earns meet. I loved him, he made me see the light at the end of the tunnel and finally he made me a woman. I and Rita had vowed to stay undefiled till our wedding night but I threw all that away for him. Even when my conscience pricked, I silenced it by telling myself that he would marry me and what was the difference giving him now and then.

The dark days were over when Rita and her dad returned home. Rita was looking healthier; she was already in her first year in UNILAG while I was through with my WAEC. She even learnt how to make wigs while she was away and that inspired me to learn a skill although her mum was bent on me learning hairdressing. I was happy to have Rita around again even though we did not spend much time together due to her academics she pursued with all zealousness which challenged me to start attending tutorial classes for Jamb.

I found Rita crying one night, Christmas night when she had just broken up with a guy she claimed to not have being  in a serious relationship with since he was in US and she barely came online to talk with him. The break up was as a result of she not yielding to his demands for nude pictures and whenever he was in Nigeria she refused to have sex with him and even kiss him, while she was talking to me I started feeling shameful because all he asked from her I have done it with her class teacher Mr Jude. I watched her cry and constantly tell me she kept on asking him to wait till she was done with school and they get married but he would not so she ended the relationship. She kept on calling him a waste of time and that she would have achieved more as if she had not achieved a lot in her life already.

Few months later I discovered I was five months pregnant not like I had not known since but I kept on believing my period would come back. I told Jude who instead of being reasonable was calling me names and rejecting to be the father of the baby. Rita’s mum knew all along that I was pregnant but never said it directly to me rather she would say “if you get belle you go born am”. Rita finally knew when she searched my bag for biscuit. She looked more broken than I could ever be. Her mum took care of me and the baby but vowed not to train me or the child that it was responsibility of Mr Jude.

He changed my life, he brought both tears of joy and tears of pain to my eyes. He took education, happiness, freedom and my self esteem away from me when he walked out of my life without looking back. I used to call him maga and fool when he was spending heaven and earth on me but know I am the bigger fool cause both heaven and earth have rejected me. If only I never got to meet him I could probably by be singing a different song but no I am here singing a song to put my crying child to sleep. I am 18 and a single mother.
Written by Beniah Miracle.




Wednesday 3 October 2018

Love making sense.

An elderly man hurried to his 8:00am doctor appointment, he wanted to finish quickly so that he could get to another appointment. The doctor asked what it was, and the old man proudly said that every morning at 9:00am he would go to the hospital and have breakfast with his wife.

The doctor asked what her condition was, and he replied that for the past 5 years his wife has had Alzheimer’s and hasn’t known who he is. The doctor asked the old man why he continued to visit her of she had no idea who he was…and the old man replied…” Because I still know who she is.” Beautiful words of unconditional love.


Flowers be honest.

 Once upon a time there was a young prince who wanted to get married. He knew that every girl would marry him for his name and power, but he wanted to find true love. He invited all the young girls in his kingdom whether they were poor or rich, famous or unknown.

One of the young girls invited was the daughter of the palace’s gardener. She saw the prince every day from a distance and loved him secretly like all the other girls in his kingdom.

At the day of the prince’s party, he handed one seed to each girl and announced that he would wed the girl that could develop the most beautiful and healthy flower from the seed.

Like all the other girls, the palace gardener’s daughter planted the seed in a pot and took great care of it, waiting for it to grow. Weeks passed and the girl did not even see a sprout. She tried so hard and used different methods of nourishing plants taught by her father, yet there were still no signs of any growth.

The girls of the kingdom had 3 months to grow their seed and bring their pots to the most important party, which was for the prince to choose his future bride.

All of the girls gathered with beautiful colorful pots full of flowers except the gardener’s daughter whose pot was just full of soil. She walked to the line with shame and disappointment.

The prince greeted all the girls and saw their flowers carefully, and then announced, “My future wife will be the girl with the honest flower. ”

All the girls got excited and looked at each other’s pots, hoping that the prince was talking about their flowers.

The prince pointed at the gardener’s daughter with the pot full of soil. He said, “I choose her. She is the most honest girl in my kingdom. The seed that I handed to each one of you was infertile and none of you could’ve possibly grown anything out it. You all lied just to be my wife. ”

So the prince happily married the honest girl.


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True love.

Once upon a time there was a sweet and kind girl named Olive who was engaged to a nice thoughtful young man named Abraham.

They both loved each other so much and were soon to get married. Back then, there were no vaccinations and if a very simple virus spread, many people died or stayed disabled very easily. Pox virus spread in the engaged couple’s village as well as all over the country.


Unfortunately Olive got the disease and it started spreading all over her face and body. Each pox created a deep hole which would stay for ever on the affected person’s body.

Olive refused to see Abraham because the disease was contagious and she was losing her beauty forever, no matter how hard Abraham tried. After a little while, Abraham claimed to his family that he was sick and he was sure that he had Pox as well. But no one saw any sign of Pox on his skin. After a short period of time Abraham announced that he lost his sight because of Pox. It was very common to go blind because of Pox.

Olive was so sad to hear that news. She was devastated and started to see him again. They didn’t break up their engagement and got married soon after.

They lived happily and in love for thirty five years. All those years, Abraham was still blind and Olive had pock marks on her face and body.


Sadly, Olive died and left Abraham all alone.

In Olive's memorial ceremony everyone saw Abraham walking without his blind cane and seemed to be normal.

Relatives were so shocked. They had realized how truly Abraham loved Olive to pretend to be blind for 35 years. Olive didn’t want Abraham to spend the rest of his life with her being ugly, and Abraham pretended to be blind so she would think that he couldn’t see her.


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